Here are photos of Kelsey Grammer and his bride, Kayte Walsh, celebrating the premiere of Kelsey’s new Starz show, Boss. His daughter was there too – she’s Spencer Grammer, age 27 (28 this weekend), and she‘s pregnant. Kelsey is 56, Kayte is 29 years old (maybe 30 by now, but I can’t find her birthdate). So, his daughter and his wife are basically the same age, only separated by some-odd 12 months. No judgment? Or judge away?
It’s passé to mutter “No fool like an old fool.” But mutter away. I have to admit, Kelsey and Kayte look happy together. Kayte’s darkened her hair – she used to be varying shades of blonde and dirty-blonde, and now she’s gone reddish-brown. It makes her look younger, although the dye job looks budget. Kelsey is rich as hell – surely she could afford a proper colorist? Beyond my issue with her hair, she looks fit and happy, so good for her. It’s nice when a golddigger falls for her mark… or is a good enough actress to convince me.
Kelsey’s daughter is beautiful, right? Her eyes are hypnotizing. I’ve got to wonder what’s going through Spencer’s mind. Maybe she’s genuinely happy for her dad, especially after his marriage to Camille. After Camille, Kayte is probably a bed of roses.
About a week ago, Radar reported that Camille and Kelsey’s custody dispute – regarding their two sons – is still ongoing. Radar says that for a court date last week, Kelsey brought Kayte along with him, but she had to wait outside of the courtroom. During a break, Kelsey came out to make out with her. Because they’re so in love!
Photos courtesy of WENN.